Nation States Issues : Back-Alley Blues

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Back-Alley Blues

Following her admittance one week ago, Layla McCormack was arrested at ANIMAL General Hospital this morning, charged with attempting to procure her own abortion. Crowds have been clamouring for her immediate release and others — including the would-be father, calling from the cell her testimony put him in — are demanding she be punished with maximum vigour.


I’ve encountered with 4 choice

1. “How could she do this?” sighs Lila Tann, who runs both the Pregnancy Advisory Service and the Bouncing Bambinos Adoption Agency. “Of course, Miss McCormack had a trauma, but why compound that with another? Baby-murder kills the child’s body, but it shatters the woman’s mind. She can never get over it. Besides, there’s always adoption: the safe and pain-free way to give innocent children a chance. You must maintain the abortion ban, in all cases, and support our extensive pro-adoption campaign. It’s just forty weeks of their lives. What could possibly go wrong?


2. “I can certainly see why Miss McCormack would feel like drastic measures were her only option,” notes self-professed moderate pro-life advocate, Jedson Dumphy. “Fortunately, I have a solution that can’t fail to please all y’all folks. We’ll permit it, only for very specific exceptions: for victims of legitimate, proven non-consensual sex or when the host-mother will certainly die without treatment, up to a nine-week gestation period, and with permission of the baby’s father.”

3. “These people are deluded,” a shadowy figure stands in the corner, their gravelly voice indistinguishable as male or female. “Do you want blood on your hands and deaths on your conscience? There could be treatable second-trimester complications and botched back-alley abortions that would have been completed safely in a proper hospital. Women seeking abortion are desperate. They’ll try anything, regardless of any restrictions you can pull out of your a… administration. Bring universally available, medical abortion back to NATIONSTATE.”

4. “We must pursue righteousness with yet more rigour,” intones softly-spoken religious leader, Caesar Martinez, his black cloak swishing around him. “I constantly hear of ‘miscarriages’. Do you know their real name: spontaneous abortion! An abortion, yet there is no punishment. To call them ‘miscarriages’ perverts the Law that the female can only be saved through childbearing. Unless the woman categorically proves her ‘miscarriage’ was not potentially the result of cruelty or negligence, our duty is plain: a life for a life! The Text is most clear on this.” He wafts his book under your nose, snapping it closed before your eyes can focus.

5. Dismiss the issue

Option 1. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Official medical guidelines insist that childbirth is ‘almost totally painless’.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 2.3%


Obesity Rate 0.65%


Cheeks Turned Per Day 0.20%


Tourists Per Hour 0.1%


And decline in this qualities

Workforce Participation Rate 0.07%


Years 0.14%


Meters Of Sunlight 1.2%

Public Healthcare

Theresa-Nightingale Rating 1.2%


Bananas Ingested Per Day 2.4%



This choice is shit.

Author: Forcedot

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