Nation States Issues : One Small Step For Private Enterprise?

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


One Small Step For Private Enterprise?

Private space companies have expressed a desire to launch a space probe to the moon and other planets in the solar system. To avoid any legal entanglements, they have asked for permission from the government to launch.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “The sooner we get off this rock, the better,” grimly predicts daredevil CEO Dick Benson, who recently broke the record for the world’s highest skydive. “We all know it’s a matter of time before we destroy this planet, and exploring the vastness of space is our only salvation. Private enterprise must be allowed to develop space technologies. I’d go so far as to subsidize private space companies to help them on the way to the stars. ‘Per pecunia ad astra’, as I always say.”


2. “Space shouldn’t be opened to corporations!” exclaims buxom HSA engineer turned beachwear model Ellen Janeway. “These companies just want to grab our heavenly bodies and make money from them. The stars themselves will be exploited and stripped bare! Only the government – by which I mean you – can be trusted to handle things properly.”


3. “Both sides have a point,” acknowledges your diplomatic Science Minister Bill deGrasse Hawking. “The free market must be allowed to operate, but with reasonable rules and regulations. The idea sounds daft, but an asteroid mining company should be subject to the same laws governing terrestrial mining companies. We should have some sort of prime directive that state what we can and can’t do up there. This needn’t cost us tax dollars either: just have the enterprises involved sign an agreement to abide by the rules, then let them go boldly where no corporation has gone before.”


4. “You’ve ruined this planet. Now you want to ruin outer space?” queries Gaia Peacedove, an eccentric environmentalist and host of the esoteric television show ‘Antiquated Aliens’, seen dressed in hemp fiber. “Cleanliness is next to godliness, after all. The Ancient Ones didn’t want us to come to them, they will come to us. Stop polluting space with your fancy-schmancy space probes and rockets! Ban all space exploration, and focus on protecting the environment. They will surely see this as a sign that we are ready for their arrival!”


5. Dismiss the issue


Option 3. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ”To Regulate And Beyond’ is the unofficial motto of the CITIZEN Space Agency.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Industry: Information Technology

Fann-Boi Productivity Index 6.2%

Industry: Mining

Blue Sky Asbestos Index 2.4%

Scientific Advancement

Kurzweil Singularity Index 2.1%

Economic Output


Average Income



Quips Per Hour 0.23%




And decline in this qualities


Effective Tax Rate 0.13%

Foreign Aid

Clooney Contribution Index 0.27%


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 0.27%

Public Transport

Societal Mobility Rating 0.28%

Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.28%

Business Subsidization

Gilded Widget Scale 0.28%


Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index 0.28%

Sector: Manufacturing

Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index 0.28%






Nice one.

Author: Forcedot

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