Nation States Issues : A Nude Day, A Nude Awakening…

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


A Nude Day, A Nude Awakening…

Internet news sites and online communities are abuzz over supposed leaked nude images of you that surfaced online this morning. Amateur photo-manipulation experts have concluded that the images are fakes, but the files have already spread across the internet like wildfire. As the victim of this internet trolling campaign, it may be time for you to address the problem of faked images of this sort.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “Here we have thieves and perverts, stealing your likeness and creating obscenity,” declares Zelda Mistletoe, a country singer of dubious talent who claims there have been more downloads of fake nudes of her than downloads of her music. “Every time I go online I see these filthy pictures. It’s humiliating, degrading, and feels like a violation of my privacy and a kind of sexual assault. I guess now you know how it feels too! I know this is hard to police, but you should at least establish the principle that photo-manipulation is illegal, with fines applicable to those who break this law or who distribute these images.”


2. “Kirby Streisand agrees, but Kirby Streisand thinks that we should go further,” agrees the notorious Kirby Streisand, a staunch censorship advocate who once tried to remove all references to his name on the internet. “If it were up to Kirby Streisand, any unauthorized image, name usage, or even a likeness of a person without their permission should automatically be taken down whether it’s on the internet, the news, or any random video.”


3. “Either everything is okay, or nothing is,” refutes satirist and online columnist Hiro Christensen, whilst using a clever piece of software to make a mildly angry photo of you on a bad hair day look like you are a positively psychotic murderer on the verge of going on a killing spree. “Are you going to censor the Moaning Lisa because she was painted without her knowledge? Are you going to ban a schoolboy from drawing a moustache on a newspaper photo of your face? You have no right to censor art, and photo-manipulation is art. Quite frankly, celebrities and politicians should give up their expectations of privacy. If you don’t want people drawing you nude, you shouldn’t have chosen a career that makes you famous.”


4. “Face it, you can’t stop people putting things on the internet,” suggests your tech-savvy nephew, who moonlights as notorious internet troll politichunt42. “But you can affect an image’s notability, by changing its context. Say we fake a few hundred nudes of a dozen other world leaders, and maybe some politicians and public figures you don’t like: we could make it so that your faked nudes are old news, and have everyone laughing at your rivals and opponents instead. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch them flail around like a ANIMAL with its head chopped off? Is it immoral? Sure, if somebody hadn’t obviously already done this to you. Can you say ‘hackers-sponsored-by-Blackacre’?”


5. Dismiss the issue


Option 2. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Pre-schoolers who draw stick figures of their favorite celebrities are sued for infringing image rights.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Law Enforcement

Orwell Orderliness Index 5.1%

Sector: Manufacturing

Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index 0.59%


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 0.59%

Public Transport

Societal Mobility Rating 0.59%

Business Subsidization

Gilded Widget Scale 0.59%

Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.59%

Foreign Aid

Clooney Contribution Index 0.59%


Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index 0.59%


Bubble-Rapp Safety Rating 0.45%


Effective Tax Rate 0.44%


Average Standardized Normality Scale 0.32%


Cheeks Turned Per Day 0.30%

Government Size

Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index 0.17%


Tourists Per Hour 0.15%





And decline in this qualities


Workforce Participation Rate 0.30%

Political Freedom

Diebold Election Inking Scale 0.43%


Crimes Per Hour 0.50%

Average Income


Economic Output



Quips Per Hour 0.69%

Ideological Radicality

Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index 2.0%

Scientific Advancement

Kurzweil Singularity Index 5.1%

Industry: Information Technology

Fann-Boi Productivity Index 13.9%






This choice is nice.

Author: Forcedot

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