Nation States Issues : Sound Judgement

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Sound Judgement

At a recent international sporting event, Bigtopian fans proudly sung their national anthem: Bigger And Cleverer. Meanwhile, the CITIZEN in the crowd each sang half a dozen different tunes, highlighting the fact that NATIONSNAME still doesn’t have an official national anthem.


I’ve encountered with 7 choices

1. “We need to have a grand old national anthem,” reminiscences retired war veteran Lee King. “It ought to be a strong, rousing tune to unite a broken nation. A proud tune for a proud people! Put in some references to a flag stained in the blood of the enemy: if the unpatriotic moralising minority doesn’t like it, then they can get the heck out!”


2. “NATIONSNAME must be defined by its faith,” voices chorister Jabulani Brown, adopting his favourite holier-than-thou smug expression. “RELIGION indeed has an anthem you can adopt for NATIONSNAME: an old hymn giving thanks for one people under RELIGION. With it, we can lift our prayers to the kingdom above, and tell the world that we are a Chosen People!”


3. “That’s not what NATIONSNAME stands for in our modern age,” rebuffs avant-garde composer Jabulani Wang. “We’re a pan-cultural nation of pan-humanity. I’ve composed an audiotheatrical tribute to the tribe of all life, with whale-song, echoing voices in ethnic dialects, and the laughter of children. I call it The Peace of NATIONSNAME.”


4. “Riiiiight. A whale-song national anthem? He can definitely ‘PEACE OFF’!” replies annoying pun-spitting radio DJ Howard Pound. “Of CHORUS we need something catchier and poppier. We shouldn’t be aVERSE to a bit of JINGLEISM. Why not let the listeners vote for an anthem? You could call it… COUNTRY’S music. Ha ha, I’m so funny!”


5. “Why not an anthem that celebrates our merged culture of artificial and human intelligence?” suggests Hillary Johannsen, a third-generation cloud-based AI. “If you ask me, I’m tired of science taking a backseat to religion and pre-machine pre-history. I can write you a machine-friendly binary pulse barrage that both sounds really funky and has meaningful data within it if you run it as a program.”



6. “We don’t need subject matter to worry about or lyrics for the plebs to sing,” chimes in snobby classical musician Fahd Amin, smacking your staffer’s head with a flute. “We must create a modern masterpiece, a magnum opus that will raise NATIONSNAME’s spirits, a musical composition to define our nation. Summon the nation’s greatest composers and an orchestra of the finest musicians. We’ll give you a National Symphony and an anthem that will last forever!”


7. “National anthem? Bah!” scoffs resident anarchist and constant thorn-in-your-side Agatha Bone. “We don’t need this government forcing that patriotic drivel down our throats! Besides, most CITIZEN are terrible singers! That’s the last thing I want to hear at a football game!”


8. Dismiss the issue


Option 6. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘You need two tenors and a coloratura contralto to sing the national anthem properly.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.


Snufflebottom-Wiggendum Pentatonic Scale 2.0%

Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.72%


Quips Per Hour 0.23%

Scientific Advancement

Kurzweil Singularity Index 0.10%


Tourists Per Hour 0.1%


Cheeks Turned Per Day 0.06%






And decline in this qualities


Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index 0.14%


Meters Of Sunlight 1.2%





This choice is OK.

Author: Forcedot

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