Nation States Issues : Broadband Going To The Birds?

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Broadband Going To The Birds?

An IT firm organized an unusual race between a carrier pigeon toting a flash drive and NATIONSNAME’s fastest internet provider. The bird easily beat the internet, prompting a debate about internet speeds.


I’ve encountered with 3 choices

1. “This is horribly embarrassing!” cries the pixelated image of popular online vlogger Alexandra Fitzgerald. Two and a half minutes of buffering later she continues, “Our internet is the slowest in The Galactic Federacy. Our system needs a massive overhaul. We need to crank it up! Fiber optic connections all across NATIONSNAME! Imagine the increase in productivity. Imagine how much more connected we’ll all be. It’ll be well worth the cost, Leader.”


2. “You’ve got to be joking!” scoffs your Minister of Finance, William McKinnon. “The government has far more important problems at hand than dealing with trivial matters such as the internet speed. The people of NATIONSNAME have access to the internet. That’s far better than most of the world. Leave the internet providers to run themselves and get back to the business of running the country.”


3. “Well, this certainly is eye-opening,” exclaims amateur birdwatcher, Ned Clinton, with a pair of binoculars dangling from his neck. “Here we are mucking about with our inefficient technology and the birds have us beat! Clearly we need to convert all our inefficient internet into bird-based-broadband! We’ll need flocks upon flocks of pigeons and a tight training schedule, but we can do it.”


4. Dismiss the issue


Option 1. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Consumption of cat memes has skyrocketed.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Industry: Information Technology

Fann-Boi Productivity Index 15.1%

Scientific Advancement

Kurzweil Singularity Index 4.5%

Business Subsidization

Gilded Widget Scale 1.6%

Human Development Index

Human Development Index 1.2%

Average Income


Economic Output



Quips Per Hour 0.41%


Years 0.18%

Government Size

Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index 0.14%


Krugman-Greenspan Business Outlook Index 0.13%


Workforce Participation Rate 0.07%




And decline in this qualities


Effective Tax Rate 0.14%

Sector: Manufacturing

Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index 0.55%

Foreign Aid

Clooney Contribution Index 0.56%

Public Transport

Societal Mobility Rating 0.56%


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 0.56%

Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.56%


Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index 0.56%






Moderate choice

Author: Forcedot

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