Nation States Issues : Spare The Whip, Spoil The Law

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Spare The Whip, Spoil The Law

This past week the legislature shot down a flagship law, setting back your whole agenda at least a year. Considering your party had a comfortable majority and should easily have passed the bill, your inner circle has been considering what kind of discipline to impose on parliamentary rebels.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “I’m telling you, police those fools!” shouts an angry Sean Zhu, the legislator who co-authored the proposed law with you. “No, I mean literally! Have the building security officers march around in full riot gear, looking every MP right in the eye! I dare any of my lily-livered colleagues to defy our will THEN! A strong and unified party means a strong and unified NATION, whatever those opposition goons may blather.”


2. Loyalist legislator Francis Woodheart has other ideas on what to do with the rebels. “We really don’t need anything quite so drastic, my friend. We can police ourselves! Just appoint me as ‘whip,’ and then I can use the power of persuasion on any party members who won’t fall in line. Don’t like the government’s budget proposal? That’s a shame, I really wanted to drop your name in Leader’s ear for that open cabinet post…”


3. “Members of our legislature have ALWAYS voted according to their conscience,” bellows Clint Patel, one of the dissenters. “That bill would have destroyed our way of life in Northwest NATION, and we won’t allow that to happen! You snooty CAPITAL scalawags keep flogging the same old dead horses, trying to bulldoze our culture, and we’re plum sick of it. There’ve gotta be more safeguards against partisan and sectional tyranny. We need to have local control of local issues, and institute a secret ballot in the legislature. Only then are we safe from the storm of wrath and repercussions – from you, from the donors, or from the voters.”


4. “Uh, speaking of voters…” mutters Sandy Berman, the Minister of Domestic Affairs. “Remember them? You’re all so focused on getting your own agendas passed that you’ve forgotten why we’re here in the first place! The voters didn’t send us here to squabble like screaming children about who didn’t support someone’s National Moose Empowerment Act! They want us to get things done, and they’ll bring home anyone who’s not pulling their weight. Recall elections will make those rebels the local whipping boys. Forget secret ballots, we need to SPREAD the word who voted for what – the electorate will send us the right people if we just give them a chance.”


5. “This word ‘whip’ has me thinking,” ponders your old friend and chief-of-staff Kathleen Brutus, who is also the odds-on favorite to replace you one day. “What if we let everyone vote as usual, but every time some upstart so-called ‘statesman’ votes against your wishes, you ACTUALLY get to whip them! Live, in the public square! Wouldn’t that be a delicious spectacle? The sting of the lash, the sound of leather striking flesh… I can’t imagine anyone wanting to lead NATION without it.”


6. Dismiss the issue


Option 3. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Party affiliation is just as irrelevant as campaign promises.


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.


Kickbacks Per Hour 6.1%





And decline in this qualities


Years 0.15%


Percentage Of Bribes Refused 0.23%


Workforce Participation Rate 0.58%


Bubble-Rapp Safety Rating 1.1%




Stupid choice

Author: Forcedot

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