Nation States Issues : Citizens Struggle Under “Unfair” Tax Burden

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Citizens Struggle Under “Unfair” Tax Burden

A recent poll has revealed high levels of dissatisfaction among the populace about tax rates.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “Do you know how much of my year’s work goes to the government?” demanded angry worker Jack Sanchez. “Too much! Government spending has gotten way out of control. It needs big cuts in welfare, health, and education. But leave those subsidies to business alone. We need them to create jobs.”


2. “It’s not the AMOUNT of tax, it’s where the burden falls,” says student activist Lauren Parke. “And at the moment, far too much of the burden is falling on the poor. People on high incomes still have more money than people on low incomes. I don’t think I need to say anything more than that.”


3. “I don’t object to the amount of tax, I object to where it’s being spent,” says social reformer Xu Love. “I’d like to see everyone have a choice as to where their CURRENCY go every time they fill out a tax return. Everyone would feel a lot better about opening their wallets if they had a say as to where the money went. I think you’d see a lot more public money going to education and a lot less to business.”


4. Dismiss the issue


Option 3 sounds interesting so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Citizens select which government department gets their income tax CURRENCYSNAME each year.


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Defense Forces

Law Enforcement

Public Education



Scientific Advancement





And decline in this qualities


Government Size






Sector: Manufacturing

Public Transport



Average Income

Economic Output

Human Development Index



Business Subsidization

Public Healthcare

Foreign Aid

Political Apathy


This choice effect many nice qualities.

Author: Forcedot

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