Nation States Issues : Ex-Cons Robbed Of Future

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Ex-Cons Robbed Of Future

Labor lawyers and armchair activists alike have been in an uproar after an ex-convict was denied a job at Discriministas, a popular five-star restaurant in downtown CAPITAL. The woman, whose only crime was jaywalking, now faces a lifetime of poverty and unemployment. After your Twitcher page was overwhelmed with angry complaints, you agreed to finally discuss whether or not ex-cons can be discriminated against.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “I thought the purpose of prison was to prepare criminals for reintegration into society?” queries sociology professor William Jamieson as he casually strokes his beard. “Yet here we are telling them that they aren’t allowed to work. People make mistakes, they learn, they move on. Why should this woman’s career be destroyed because of a stupid mistake she made ages ago? This sort of blatant discrimination ought to be banned!”


2. “That’s easy for you to say, professor high-and-mighty,” scoffs Judi Howard, the snobby owner of Discriministas, who has been the subject of protests and angry Twitcher rants. “You don’t have to put up with consequences of hiring a shady ex-con! How can you expect me to run my business when I have to worry about thieving employees stealing tips and customers’ wallets? I should be able to reject any applicant for any reason, be it legal history, work experience, or just because they look funny. Would you want some creepy sex offender working in a daycare or an ax murderer working at a hardware store? I didn’t think so. Criminal records must be readily available to any employer who requests them.”


3. “Obviously we need to reach some sort of compromise here,” suggests team-building consultant Ruby Skinner while trying to get your reluctant aides to do a trust fall. “It does seem cruel to deny people jobs for petty crimes they committed years ago, but we need to ensure the safety of the business and the customers. How about a system that allows business owners to conduct record checks for more sensitive jobs, such as teaching schoolchildren, law enforcement, or working in your office? Nobody would understandably hire a murderer or a sex offender for those positions, but at the same time minor crimes like jaywalking and that ridiculous law about kicking a can six times in a row shouldn’t ruin a person’s life.” One of your aides suddenly falls on the floor and lets out a string of profanities.


4. “It seems to me that my fellow law-abiding citizens are misinformed on the situation here,” says local mob boss, Morbidly Obese Tony, as he casually saunters into your office. “You see, a great number of my friends have been wrongfully detained for crimes they did not commit. I don’t much appreciate that. Next time your flatfoots want to lock up one of my pals, hows about they just look the other way, capisce? I’m sure a few well placed bribes or threats can convince these corporate big wigs to see the error of their ways. If you disagree… well, it sure would be a shame if an accident were to occur here today.” Tony then looks around your office and sets his sights on your prized antique golden ANIMAL statue.


5. Dismiss the issue


Option 3. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Many aides in Leader’s office are known to be serial jaywalkers.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Income Equality

Marx-Engels Emancipation Scale 3.6%

Ideological Radicality

Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index 1.2%


Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index 0.70%

Government Size

Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index 0.07%


Cheeks Turned Per Day 0.06




And decline in this qualities


Average Standardized Normality Scale 0.16%

Economic Freedom

Rand Index 0.50%

Wealth Gaps

Rich To Poor Income Ratio 3.5%






This choice is OK.

Author: Forcedot

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