Nation States Issues : Tie Fighters

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Tie Fighters

The national election is over and election officials are painstakingly counting every vote. The results are expected to be close and one electoral district, ANIMAL Valley, has already seen a tie. The incumbent, cabinet minister Jennifer Nike and her challenger, Violet Utopia each amassed exactly the same number of votes. The candidates have already begun fighting, both with each other and with election officials at the Electoral Commission of NATIONSNAME, prompting the first major debate of the new political session.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “Leader, as the incumbent for ANIMAL Valley I believe I have the right to represent it again,” demands Mrs. Nike after arguing with a nearby election official over whether an ‘X’ or a check-mark constitutes a spoiled ballot. “Precedent should always be given to maintaining the status quo, and officials should not be deposed or replaced except by a two-thirds majority. That’ll give us some political stability, and give you and me a chance to get things done.”


2. “Leader, I demand a re-vote!” exclaims the increasingly paranoid Violet as she meticulously reviews paragraph forty, subsection two of the Election Code, which deals with re-votes. “We all know how corrupt this government is. I swear your goons have been stalking me! We need to hold a new election for the district. If the results are within 10% of a draw, then we’ll keep on holding re-votes until I, uh, someone wins!”


3. “As always Leader, I have the perfect solution!” declares your gambling addict brother who makes life decisions by the roll of the dice. “Why not have tie votes determined by a coin toss? It’s simple, fun, and doesn’t show any favoritism. We could bet on the outcomes and even apply the same principle to the legislature!” He then takes your prized antique ancient golden Maxtopian coin and flips it. “Fifty CURRENCY on tails!”


4. Dismiss the issue


Option 2. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Some electoral districts are without a representative as they are stuck with perpetual revotes.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.

Political Apathy

Whatever 1.4%


Bubble-Rapp Safety Rating 0.29%


Average Standardized Normality Scale 0.20%


Workforce Participation Rate 0.11%

Government Size

Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index 0.1%

Economic Output


Average Income





And decline in this qualities


Quips Per Hour 0.05%


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 0.07%

Public Transport

Societal Mobility Rating 0.07%

Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.07%

Foreign Aid

Clooney Contribution Index 0.07%


Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index 0.07%

Business Subsidization

Gilded Widget Scale 0.07%

Public Healthcare

Theresa-Nightingale Rating 0.07%

Political Freedom

Diebold Election Inking Scale 0.29%

Ideological Radicality

Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index 1.7%


Kickbacks Per Hour 2.8%





This choice is moderate.

Author: Forcedot

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