Nation States Issues : It’s An Honor Just To Be Nominated!

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


It’s An Honor Just To Be Nominated!

Since the news broke that corrupt party boss Tommy Kneehall allegedly used his influence and cash to secure nominations to Parliament for more than a dozen of his closest friends, including both his wife and his favorite mistress, voters have been clamoring for a more open and transparent process to determine which candidates parties nominate for office.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “What a clustershag,” despairs powerless opposition backbencher Mark Chandra, who somehow managed to sneak into your meeting. “I mean, even I have to admit, that mistress has a nice pair of ‘assets’ on her, but are they really qualifications for public office? This demonstrates more than ever the need to take power away from the establishment and the big donors and put it in the hands of the constituents. Let the parties hold open preliminary votes to decide who the nominees for office are. It’s fair, it’s transparent, it’s democratic, and sure, parties may be stuck with a complete basketcase who doesn’t know his behind from his elbow, but if it’s what the people want, how could anyone possibly object?”


2. “That’s a good start, but we have to make sure that voting is limited to members of our Party only,” replies Ksenya Archer, a small town mayor who has jumped ship to national politics. “If we open things up to everyone, the Opposition could sneak in and plant their own candidates. Remember that blowhard nominee who turned out to be an East Lebatukese spy a few elections back? That was an embarrassment I think we’d all want to avoid again. It may mean losing the swing voters and independents, but we can’t let anyone walk in and claim they uphold our values without being properly vetted.”


3. “Don’t be tempted by populism,” warns a shadowy political advisor, speaking from a dark corner while closing the blinds in your office. “Primary elections are costly, they encourage a lot of unproductive infighting, and, frankly, they take too much power away from CAPITAL. There is a much simpler way to make nominations less corrupt, and that’s to make sure every candidate who runs goes through a rigorous ideological purity test. That way the most loyal, and therefore most qualified, candidates are the ones nominated.”


4. “I’ve got a much more classy idea!” declares Tourism mogul Peggy Venkman, while ogling all your interns. “Why waste our time with votes or vetoes, when we can force all candidates, even the men, to compete in a beauty pageant! It’ll be a fabulous show, everyone will love it. Just imagine, a leading candidate breezes through the talent and interview portions, but gets blown away in the swimsuit competition! I know I’d want to watch! The best part is that it won’t cost you a single CURRENCY! Just let me throw in a few ads for my company and products, and I’ll pay for everything!”


5. Dismiss the issue


Option 1. sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Passionate nomination battles are often as intense as general elections.’


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.


Stalins 14.3%

Foreign Aid

Clooney Contribution Index 2.0%


Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index 0.78%

Government Size

Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index 0.76%

Public Transport

Societal Mobility Rating 0.70%


Effective Tax Rate 0.63%


Safety Net Mesh Density Rating 0.60%

Business Subsidization

Gilded Widget Scale 0.54%

Average Income


Economic Output


Public Education

Edu-tellignce® Test Score 0.32%


Bubble-Rapp Safety Rating 0.27%

Environmental Beauty

Pounds Of Wildlife Per Square Mile 0.26%


Prayers Per Hour 0.21%


Tourists Per Hour 0.20%


Cheeks Turned Per Day 0.19%


Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index 0.16%

Scientific Advancement

Kurzweil Singularity Index 0.14%


Quips Per Hour 0.08%


Years 0.08%



And decline in this qualities


Atheism Rate 0.20%


Workforce Participation Rate 0.33%


Crimes Per Hour 0.49%

Sector: Manufacturing

Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index 0.51%

Political Freedom

Diebold Election Inking Scale 0.68%

Political Apathy

Whatever 1.4%


Kardashian Reflex Score 1.6%

Ideological Radicality

Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index 2.0%


Weapons Per Person 5.3%



Nice choice.

Author: Forcedot

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