Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (
Going Off The Rails
With suicide-by-train incidents in NATIONSNAME’s stations becoming disturbingly common, commuters and rail companies are irritated by the impact on their day-to-day activities.
I’ve encountered with 4 choices
1. “We need to be compensated for the monetary losses that these suicides have caused us,” the CEO of your nation’s largest rail company states frankly. “These incidents are inconvenient, and handling them requires a lot of time and effort; and time is, of course, money. It’s not right that these people get away with disrupting our business, as well as our customers’ commutes. I humbly suggest that their families should be required to compensate us on their behalf. It’s only fair.”
2. “I have places to go and things to do!” an angry commuter vents in an interview with CAPITAL News, which is playing on your office television. “These lunatics keep forcing train delays, and that means that I can’t get to work on time. My boss is absolutely irate! Look, the government should stick cowcatchers on the trains, then the body parts can just be pushed out of the way. No more delays.”
3. “People who try to kill themselves shouldn’t be punished for being ill, and neither should the families of victims of suicide,” your Minister of Health, Stan Delauter, entreats passionately. “Being suicidal is often a sign of mental illness or depression, and our government mustn’t stoop to punishing families for having sick relatives. We ought to focus on suicide prevention rather than hounding these families for money, and we would save a lot of lives through education and extending a helping hand to those who need our support.”
4. “I’m getting tired of seeing yellow tape every time I go to take the train in the morning. The atmosphere in stations is getting grimmer by the day,” your receptionist, Max Dodinas, comments absent-mindedly while handing you some coffee. “I think that you could hit two birds with one stone here if you redecorated the train stations. Suicidal people would be far less likely to take the terrible leap if the stations had pleasant music playing, motivational posters, and psychedelic paint jobs all over their walls. Oh, and maybe some pizza joints in the station too! Everyone loves pizza.”
5. Dismiss the issue
Option 3 sounds good so I choose it.
The result saids ‘Anyone who so much as frowns risks being referred to a mental health unit.‘
In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.
Public Healthcare
Public Education
Scientific Advancement
Government Size
Average Income
Economic Output
Human Development Index
And decline in this qualities
Foreign Aid
Sector: Manufacturing
Public Transport
Business Subsidization
This choice is good for overall.