Nation States Issues : Don’t Want Your Kid Anymore? Good News!

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Don’t Want Your Kid Anymore? Good News!

A recent “accidental” change in NATIONSNAME’s child abandonment law has made it easier to drop unwanted children off at hospitals, orphanages, and even military bases. The deluge of abandoned babies has begun to ravage NATIONSNAME’s welfare personnel, and consequently the welfare budget. Overworked social workers, understaffed military branches, and a group of angry women are at your door, demanding that action be taken.


I’ve encountered with 3 choices

1. “This is insane!” says social worker Sashona Mistletoe, struggling to hold three babies in her lap. “Whose smart idea was it to allow mothers to simply drop off their newborns like last night’s stale pizza? These guys over at the capitol don’t know how much work it takes to get these kids into the system and to take care of them, let alone how difficult it is to actually get them adopted! We simply can’t do it. If this keeps up, don’t be surprised if those babies sit in drop-boxes for days or forever.” After handing over a baby to you, the social worker gives one final piece of advice, “Parents needs to accept the responsibility if they choose to have unprotected sex. It’s not the state’s job to raise children. At least, it shouldn’t be. Until these types of laws are repealed, enjoy the baby!”


2. “A woman ought to have the right to choose if she wants to be a mother!” asserts Norma Roe, a long-time women’s rights activist. “It’s all a matter of privacy. The government shouldn’t have a say in our life, shouldn’t be telling us that we have to live like this, raise children like that, or devote our entire life to something we never wanted in the first place. Has anybody stopped to think that maybe it’s better for the child that they aren’t raised by unprepared, unwilling mothers? Give that a thought and get back to me, why don’t you?”


3. “This is great!” says General Mark Bush. “These abandoned kids are just what the NATIONSNAMEArmed Forces need. Our current personnel level is pitiful. I doubt we could defend a supermarket! If we take these unwanted rug-rats, teach them the ways of warfare, we could be spittin’ out super-soldiers in no time! Just imagine. Our military would be the envy of the world!”


4. Dismiss the issue


I want to see what if I choose option 3 so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Toddlers are wielding machine guns in the name of national defense.


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.


Defense Forces

Social Conservatism


Government Size

Sector: Manufacturing



Business Subsidization

Public Transport

Foreign Aid



And decline in this qualities



Average Income

Economic Output


Human Development Index


Scientific Advancement



Recreational Drug Use



Civil Rights


Ideological Radicality


This choice effect Civil Right so badly and so much rise in Authoritarianism. I think 1 or 2 is better choice.

Author: Forcedot

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