Nation States Issues : Conscientious Objectors Want You… To Let Them Abstain

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Today I’ve got this Issue on my Nationstates (


Conscientious Objectors Want You… To Let Them Abstain

A religious scholar was recently arrested over refusing to serve in NATYIONSNAME’s Armed Services on moral grounds. Small – but very vocal – demonstrations have started over compulsory military service and a citizen’s right to be a conscientious objector.


I’ve encountered with many choices

1. “Conscription flies in the face of my religion,” declares Prudence Lee, Grand Poobah of the Order of Maxx. “It clearly states in our holy book that ‘Thou mayest not blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy’. The devout of NATIONSNAMEshould have the option to opt out of service. We were put here to bring peace to the world, not destroy it!”


2. “I can’t believe you are still listening to these spineless liberals!” yells Field Marshal Billy-Bob True. “You let these crazy zealots have their way and we’ll find ourselves open to all sorts of threats. Bigtopia would have a field day. Let’s remind these wackos who’s in charge.”


3. “We hardly need to be so black and white about it,” interrupts Stefanie Chicago, your Churchmaster General. “These people don’t want to kill? It’s against their ‘beliefs’? So we won’t make them. There are plenty of jobs in the military that don’t involve pulling a trigger. If they still object, well, let’s just say there’s no shortage of prison cells.”


4. Dismiss the issue


Option 3 sounds nice so I choose it.

The result saids ‘Priests are being drafted by the church load.


In result, my nation get a boost of this qualities.



Defense Forces

Social Conservatism

Income Equality


Government Size



And decline in this qualities



Business Subsidization

Public Education

Public Transport

Public Healthcare

Foreign Aid

Sector: Manufacturing





Recreational Drug Use

Civil Rights

Wealth Gaps


Political Freedom

Ideological Radicality


This make more negative trend more than positive

Author: Forcedot

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